
WordPress cron作業只在\'用戶訪問網站\'時?


I\'ve heard that the wordpress cron job only works when a trigger like \'user visits the website\' occurs. What if I want to run a cron job every night automatically that runs a .php file. The complete scenario is that I want to save some data coming from a third party source as an API call to one of my custom php file, say savedata.php, and I save this data in a text file (for now) and another .php file say: executecron.php is ready to run automatically at 11 pm at night. How can I do this in wordpress without any users visiting my website? And I want to notify that I do not have permission to log into the dashboard but I can work all the php files.

Also please have patience with me as I\'m totally new to wordpress development.




我聽說wordpress cron作業僅在「用戶訪問網站」等觸發器發生時才有效。 如果我想每晚自動運行一個運行.php文件的cron作業怎麼辦? 完整的場景是我想將來自第三方源的一些數據保存為我的一個自定義php文件的API調用,比如savedata.php,我將這些數據保存在文本文件(現在)和另一個文件中。 php文件說:executecron.php已準備好在晚上11點自動運行。 如果沒有任何用戶訪問我的網站,如何在wordpress中執行此操作? 我想通知我沒有登錄儀錶板的許可權,但我可以處理所有的php文件。</ p>

另外請耐心等待我,因為我對wordpress完全不熟悉 開發。</ p>

謝謝</ p>
</ div>


Yes, WordPress Cron Job are only loaded once the user visit the site.

So, as of your problem you want to automatically load the file at certain interval of time you need to configure the cron job from the server and specify the path of the file you want to cron job at fixed interval of time.

The setting mostly found in the cPanel menu but it might vary according to the hosting provider or you can ask hosting provider support team for doing it.

Here are the useful links:

Site Ground Real Cron Job

Cron Job for WordPress

If you still find issue please contact me for solving issue.

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GG資源網 » WordPress cron作業只在\'用戶訪問網站\'時?


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