


I am trying to edit a few PHP codes lines in my WordPress theme files with a snippet of PHP code, though I am stuck and have been struggling to do this for a while with this code.

I have been trying to tweak this piece of code to do the job but unfortunately without luck.

I am expecting that this code should replace some text as illustrated in the file with the described path but it doesn\'t work.


Where do I start... let me count the ways.

Lets see when you run this it does:

Then it checks:

Which is obviously true, or we would have gotten some errors already. So that is basically always true. Which means you call this update_GTour_theme_files(); itself again. Repeat the above steps a infinite number of times.

So that is obviously wrong. If you are calling this I would expect your browser to lockup.

So lets fix this up (single file):

This will only update the one file, to do more then that you need to use scandir, glob or SPL DirectoryIterator / FilesystemIterator.

PS your \\\"main\\\" or \\\"big\\\" problem (besides the recursion) is right here:

These $ in /$page_menu_transparent are not escaped so the are treated as REGEX. Which means they match the end of the string, which makes no sense. I also added some vaiable space \\s*=\\s* and the ; semi-colon otherwise $page_menu_transparent = 1345; will become $page_menu_transparent = 0;. This may have some impact if it\'s in () or an array etc. (anything without the ;)

For all files in a given folder and it\'s subfolders

This uses RecursiveDirectoryIterator so it should look through all sub folders.

But this is all untested so be very careful. If you mess your files up don\'t come blaming me, you were warned.

That said Enjoy~

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GG资源网 » 以编程方式在WordPress中编辑PHP文件


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