


When my website shows a snippet of a blog post through any widget, it displays the featured image, the title, the first characters of the text itself and the date the post was made.

Inside WordPress\' content.php, it shows the date using the_time(), like this:

The parameter \'M\' passed in the function the_time() is supposed to give PHP the month written with only 3 characters (January would be JAN, February would be FEB and so on).
In my native language (which is portuguese) it gets the months, obviously, in portuguese: January is Janeiro, February is Fevereiro... which doesn\'t matter for the_time(\'M\'), it truncates it the same way.

My problem is that the month May is Maio in portuguese, a 4-letter month. Upon passing it to PHP, for some obscure reason, it doesn\'t get truncated. It keeps it Maio, which obviously prejudices my layout.
I\'m not a PHP developer, but I did a little research and tried a workaround inside the content.php, but it doesn\'t work:

It might even be syntax issues, because I really don\'t know PHP, but it seems that I might need it to solve this problem. Am I going the right way here? I appreciate any help you give me!

TL;DR: I need to truncate a 4-letter date into a 3-letter one and pass it back to HTML.



當我的網站通過任何小部件顯示博客帖子的片段時,它會顯示特色圖片,標題, 文本本身的第一個字元和帖子的日期</ em>。</ p>

在Wordpress的content.php中,它使用 the_time()顯示日期 </ em>,像這樣:</ p>

 &lt; div class =「date-box」&gt;
&lt; div class =「day」&gt;&lt;?php the_time(\'d\'); ?&gt;&lt; / div&gt;
&lt; div class =「month」&gt;&lt;?php the_time(\'M\'); ?&gt;&lt; / div&gt;
&lt; / div&gt;
</ code> </ pre>

函數the_time()中傳遞的參數\'M\'應該為PHP提供月份 只寫3個字元(1月份是1月,2月份是FEB等等)。
用我的母語(葡萄牙語),很明顯,用葡萄牙語來表示幾個月:1月是 Janeiro </ em> ,二月是 Fevereiro </ em> ...這對於 the_time(\'M\')</ em>無關緊要,它會以同樣的方式截斷它。</ p>
我的問題是 五月份的葡萄牙語是 Maio </ em>,一個4個字母的月份。 在將其傳遞給PHP時,由於某些不明原因,它不會被截斷</ em>。 它保留了 Maio </ em>,顯然會損害我的布局。

 <  code>&lt; div class =「month」&gt;
$ t = the_time(\'M\');
if(strlen($ t)&gt; 3){
echo mb_strimwidth($ t ,0,3);
} else {
echo $ t;
?&gt;&lt; / div&gt;
</ code> </ pre>

它可能 甚至是語法問題,因為我真的不懂PHP,但似乎我可能需要它來解決這個問題。 我在這裡走的是正確的嗎? 感謝你給我的任何幫助!</ p>

TL; DR:我需要將4個字母的日期截斷為3個字母的日期並將其傳回HTML。</ p> \\ n </ div>


WordPress\' the_*() functions all echo their output directly and don\'t return anything, so you can\'t assign the value to a variable. You\'re looking for get_the_time().

The rest of your code looks like it should work just fine.

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GG資源網 » 截斷WordPress上的日期對象


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