


I \'ve created a wordpress website in localhost in windows os using WAMP. now I want to migrate the website to CentOS 7. I have oracle VM and i installed CentOS 7 on it.

How can I transfer the database and the files to CentOS 7 ?



我使用WAMP在windows os中的localhost中创建了一个wordpress网站。 现在我想将网站迁移到 CentOS 7 </ strong>。 我有oracle VM,我在上面安装了 CentOS 7 </ strong>。 </ p>

如何将数据库和文件传输到CentOS 7? </ p>
</ div>


Try using the All In One WP Migration plugin.

Install it on you local site, click on export link in the plugin.
Before exporting add search / replace rule. Usually this is done if you have different domain.

If your local domain is http://domain.local you need to replace it with the new domain and click export to file.

Screenshot of how to do that

Then install the same plugin on the new host and use the import functionality to import the exported file.

This will migrate your whole site with database, content, images. Everything.

If you have problem with importing size of the file, you can increase the size on the new host by adding the following to the .htaccess file

php_value upload_max_filesize 256M
php_value post_max_size 256M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

or you can check this tutorial

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GG资源网 » 将wordpress网站从windows中的localhost迁移到centos7


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