


For a WordPress + WooCommerce setup, I\'m trying to implement email activation and Google Captcha function on login using wp_authenticate_user filter, but the order of checking these are wrong.

Ok scenario

  1. Blank username and password without Captcha submit > get the correct error saying the password is blank.

  2. Invalid username without password and Captcha submit > correct error message saying bad username or password.

  3. Valid username with a wrong password with Captcha submit > bad username or password

Bad scenario

  1. valid username with a wrong password without Captcha submit > Captcha error
    (expecting bad username or password).

How can I change this to check Captcha after username and password validation?


If I switch email activated check to have more priority then I get that error on bad scenario.

Captcha check

Activation check


The function that validates the username/email is hooked to the autenticate filter with the priority 20. And the hooks are added through wp-includes/default-filters.php as you can see below:

So if you want your custom validation functions to run after those default validations, then you should hook to the authenticate filter instead and use 20 (or a higher value - 21, 30, etc.) as the priority:

And change your function declaration so that it looks like so, where the first parameter is either a NULL or WP_User instance on success:

PS: Make certain to check if the $user is a valid user object before accessing its properties and methods. See here for more details. E.g.:

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GG資源網 » WordPress過濾器:wp_authenticate_user無法獲取用戶數據


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