


This question already has an answer here:

I\'ve migrated a website across from a cheapo deluxe host over to my AWS Lightsail instance. Now everything works until I go to this page. It worked OK on the old host but on lightsail it\'s not working at all. I just get the WordPress plugin Error syntax error, unexpected \'endwhile\' on line 87 error.

I\'ve tried everything I can think of and have spent a good few hours tinkering and Googling. I\'m sure im missing a single } or { somewhere

PHP isn\'t my strong point so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Code below is the original file, without my tinkering.

Thanks everyone!


line 41 <? } ?> should be <?php } ?>

you can also just use { to open while loop instead of :. Using : in your case is little messed up since your php is a mess with html

Also when looking at the while ( $projectloop->have_posts() ) this isn\'t a while loop but rather if statement

check this out

Your while loop needs a statement while ($count <= 10) {

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GG资源网 » WordPress插件错误语法错误,意外\'endwhile\'[重复]


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