


I am trying to create form and submitting this with ajax. So the page wont reload. I don\'t have a lot of experience with ajax and I am trying to find as much information as I can.

Right now in my code I can sbmit form without reloading. But I have a field for uploading files. I know It is a bit different to do this and I also found some examples but so far no luck. For example Ajax file upload in WordPress - can\'t pass FormData

Right now I have My Ajax code like this:


My form:

Right now this is how far I got. This is not my full form I have already added nonce and other required settings for sequrity. When I check input file It keep displaying error message that the field is empty.

My form handler

So My question is What can I do or add in my ajax or form handler to get file upload submit with Ajax working. Any suggestion, advice or some existing example that are familiar will be appreciated. I am practicing with WordPress and Ajax that is how far I got.

I have tried to use FormData but still no luck so far.


Here is some tips to make work your provided form:


I removed placeholder=\\\"<?php echo $field->label ?>\\\" from your text input, because it\'s coming from custom code, which you didn\'t provide.


NOTE: You\'re using var form_elm = jQuery(this);, which returns object of jquery with all Form content. That\'s why I used it for accessing input information. Instead you can access to form inputs with their name, class, id, placeholder and etc.

What changed:

  1. removed (function($) {} wrapper and instead used jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {});. This is just for note. There is no need to wrapp your jquery to have access to $.
  2. We\'re getting file and name from inputs with lines below:

  3. We\'re adding action for WordPress and form inputs with their values into FormData:

    Here you can change the name of array we\'re sending. For ex., we will recieve file in the array with key customer-field-upload and can use it such way:

  4. async : true: this line we don\'t need. It\'s true by default. enctype: \'multipart/form-data\', we don\'t need, too.
  5. data: form_data,: we are sending everything only using one form_data variable( FormData object ).

PHP file:

  1. I didn\'t use add_action(\'wp_ajax_nopriv_form_submit1\', \'handle_form_submission\'); because there is nothing related to nonce in your provided code
  2. Your $_POST will contain:

    You can access to name input using $_POST[\'customer-field-name\'].

  3. Your $_FILES will contain:

    You can work with input file using $_FILES[\'customer-field-upload\']

EDIT: Appended functional to add all inputs with several lines of code:



Here we used Jquery iterator to add several values from the loop into the FormData object. This is example and can be applied for checkboxes, textareas and etc.


You are missing enctype: \'multipart/form-data\' and contentType: false to prevent jQuery from setting it to string. If that doesn\'t work, see this example and follow the same method


Your Jquery is missing the

This is quite important when you are submitting the forms. This allows the form data to be sent without any conversions.

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GG资源网 » 使用Ajax提交文件上传的WordPress表单


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