


I have one system (built in Laravel 4.2) and I want to integrate it with WordPress.

Only authenticaed users can access this blog.

I think in 2 options:

1 -> In routes.php include something like

Only auth users can see blogs routes. If someone try to access without login, It will show 404 error (this code doesn\'t work, only one example).

2 -> Integrate Laravel with WordPress. When create a new user in Laravel, It will create also in WordPress. When access blog, It will automatically log user into WordPress.



我有一个系统(内置Laravel 4.2),我想将它与Wordpress集成。</ p> \\ n

只有经过身份验证的用户才能访问此博客。</ p>

我认为有2个选项:</ p>

1 - &gt; 在routes.php中包含类似</ p>

  Route :: group(array(\'before\'=&gt;\'auth\')),function(){
Route :: get (“wordpress”,function(){
require_once public_path()。\'/ blog / wp-load.php\';
</ code> </ pre >

只有身份验证用户才能看到博客路线。 如果有人试图在没有登录的情况下访问,它将显示404错误(此代码不起作用,只有一个示例)。</ p>

2 - &gt; 将Laravel与Wordpress集成。 在Laravel中创建新用户时,它也将在Wordpress中创建。 当访问博客时,它会自动将用户登录到Wordpress。</ p>
</ div>


Mahmoud, thank you.

I solved this problem with the function wp_set_auth_cookie($user_id, true);

After log-in in my system I call one function that use wp_set_auth_cookie and login the user into WordPress.


To create a union user system, I suggest that you use WordPress REST API & OAuth (Authentication System) it has a WordPress plugin you can use the data for both sides, Laravel & WordPress.

To authenticate users from Laravel application to allow them to view WordPress specific directory, you should generate WordPress authentication cookies from Laravel then redirect.

I think these articles may help you to start:

How to use WordPress as a backend for a Laravel Application

Using the WordPress REST API / Authentication

WordPress REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server

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