


I made a kind of plugin just for the database connection it works but if i activate my plugin the page wil go a little bit down so actually my site will become ugly

this is my code and i thought maybe it will help if the result will display at the bottom of the page but i dont know how



我为它所使用的数据库连接创建了一种插件但是如果我激活了我的插件,那么页面将会是 实际上我的网站会变得难看</ p>

However I don\'t know where in code this gets executed and how it integrates with WordPress. If the following table is shown inside content area of the page, the <br> shouldn\'t affect your site design other than pushing the table one line down.

It also seems to be a bit of overkill to create your own database connection - I would think WordPress already is connected and it would be preferable to use its own connection, unless it is a completely different database.

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GG资源网 » WordPress数据库连接插件


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